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You’re sitting at your desk and your computer starts going on the fritz. Amazingly, hitting it doesn’t seem to work, and you don’t want to call the surly IT guy, so you stick with the basics: a reboot. And of course, most of the time rebooting works, and the issue is solved. Rebooting extends to … Read more
Popular culture got virtual reality wrong. Back in the 90s, as the Internet exploded into the mainstream, Hollywood took advantage and created a cottage industry of movies full of paranoid theories about what it would mean for the future. For instance, just look at this: Related
Odds are that you have a smartphone. In fact, the data says that more than likely, you’re reading this blog entry on your smartphone. This tiny machine you can hold in your hand is a modern miracle. You can use it to video chat with basically anyone you know, just about wherever they are in the world. … Read more
A simple discovery chat
can open up a world of possibilities.