Hit Send on Email Newsletters

Ah, what a simpler time it was in 1998.

Back then in the early days of the Internet, people loved getting email. The legendary AOL “You’ve got mail!” chime was music to our ears. It meant that somewhere, someone out there cared enough to send us a message. It was great! In fact, it was such a nice feeling they even made a movie called “You’ve Got Mail” with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan that was a legitimate box office hit.

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Video Outlet Options Abound

One day you’re scrolling your Facebook feed, and there’s the usual: birthday reminders, “on this day” memories, updates from friends sharing vacation pics and back-to-school photos.  

Amid it all a video popped up on the feed, began auto-playing, and it caught your attention. At that point it dawned on you – why isn’t your company posting a video that grabs your target audience’s attention? 

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